Get in touch
Phone: +49 (6725) 15 07
Fax: +49 (6725) 63 07
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday: 09:00 - 14:00
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00 / 15:00 - 17:00
If you concider to visit us, you can plan your route here.
Unless otherwise indicated, all brands displayed on DürkHorns GmbH & Co. KG website are subject to the trademark rights of DürkHORNS, its model name plates, its emblems and logos.
No licenses
DürkHorns GmbH & Co. KG tries to deliver an innovative and informative website. We hope you will be as excited as we are about this creative endeavor. However, you must also understand that DürkHorns must protect its intellectual property, which includes its patents, trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, we would ask you to acknowledge that DürkHorns' unlicensed intellectual property is granted by these websites.
No guarantees
This information is provided by DürkHorns GmbH & Co. KG and is not guaranteed to be expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-violation. Despite the best knowledge and belief that the information supplied is accurate, errors or inaccuracies may have occurred.
Telegraphic, telex and telephone orders as well as those via fax or screen text are only binding for the seller if they have been confirmed in writing or the goods have been delivered and / or an invoice has been issued. Orders placed by phone should be confirmed to the seller in writing on the following day; in the absence of a written confirmation, no guarantee is given for the correct delivery and the resulting consequences. Verbal statements by representatives and employees of the seller require written confirmation to be effective.
Offers and orders are subject to change until the order confirmation and / or invoice. This also applies to orders to representatives of the seller.
Design, programming & support
Lucksmith e.K
Untere-Trift-Str. 11
56357 Bogel